Paige brunton
Lamp and telephone on nightstand

let’s work together

Help your audience find joy-filled work & boost their bank account by building a web design business of their dreams!

Whilst you get rewarded in the process #winwin

Mirror in Paris hotel


You’ve spent years building your audience and you love them (almost) as much as you love your own family. You’ve also spent years & a huge amount of care & energy building your business.

What if you could do something that would bring incredible value to both?

The Square Secrets Business™ affiliate program

  • Introduces your audience to web design through a free (but oh so valuable) bootcamp

  • Equips your audience with the knowledge, skills & confidence to start a career as a web designer

  • Opens the door to more flexibility & revenue for your audience - a location-independent career that can command 6 figure years on part-time hours

  • Gives them the possibility to add web design to their current offering, reach more people & command higher prices (perfect for copywriters, brand designers, VAs & more)

  • Gives you as an affiliate 25% commission on every sale (average of $750/ sale)

  • Puts you in the mix for incredible prizes (foreign vacations, massages, apple products, clothes vouchers, books, gift boxes, spa days & more)

  • Positions you to learn about launching from one of the best in the business (yours truly!)

  • Anddd… opens the door to incredible friendships, connections & partnerships with the best group of affiliates around.


Choosing programs to affiliate for isn't a simple decision - you’re putting so much trust in another person to deliver to your audience. This wasn't a tough decision though - Paige is a great teacher, and her students made it very clear that the course is worth the investment!

-Erica, Big Cat Creative


Square Secrets Business™ has thousands of happy students, hundreds of testimonials & has equipped over 3,000 (mostly) women to start & grow a web design business on their terms.

Bought alone, or paired with Square Secrets™ (the #1 Squarespace course) that teaches students how to harness the power of Squarespace to build strategic, effective & beautiful websites, it’s the “web design business in a box” that has launched hundreds of fabulous freedom-filled careers.

After many successful launches, we decided the time had come to start working with partners to introduce a wider audience to this life-changing program, so since 2022 we’ve been lucky to be joined by a fabulous group of wonderful affiliates & a program that goes from strength to strength.

And now we’re expanding the program - we’d love you to join us!


  • Much loved free bootcamp lets your audience get to know Paige without paying a penny

  • Highly regarded, tried & tested course with hundreds of tangible student success stories & testimonials makes it a no-brainer for your audience

  • Full set of swipe files & graphics making promotion as easy as we can make it for you

  • In-depth training & support (including 1:1 strategy call) with our dedicated affiliate manager

  • The most fabulous prize suite you could dream of (including for leads) yep, that’s right you can win prizes without making a single sale!

  • Highly revenue-generating! $750+ average commission per sale (our top affiliate earned more than $50,000 last year!)

In previous launches our affiliates have earned…

  • Luxury Spa days

  • Airpod pros

  • An all-expenses paid trip to Mallorca, Spain

  • Harrods gift hampers

  • Masterminds

  • Coaching from Paige

  • An all-expenses paid ski vacation to the Swiss Alps

  • Perfume

  • Luxury luggage sets

  • Air B&B & travel vouchers

Plus $750+ on average per sale!

Shay - Bucketlist Bombshells

I absolutely loved being an affiliate for Paige's course launch. It was one of the most fun affiliate launches I've been a part of. Paige has a super strong sales funnel and awesome conversion rate so kudos to her for that skill and honestly that made the affiliate launch so easy on my part to close the sales and reach a juicy commission from this affiliate launch.

We are very selective of who we partner with as our audience takes our recommendations to heart, but Paige's course and her teaching style are above and beyond making it a course I was more than happy to recommend.

There was also a crazy and I mean seriously crazy prize ladder for both the leads and sales portion of the launch... needless to say I slayed that prize ladder and couldn't be more thrilled that Paige offered this. It made me feel truly valued as an affiliate and was super fun to hit those prize ladder goals, which made the experience even more enjoyable.


We have absolutely LOVED being a part of this affiliate program!

Choosing programs to affiliate for isn't a simple decision - you’re putting so much trust in another person to deliver to your audience. This wasn't a tough decision though - Paige is a great teacher, and her students made it very clear that the course is worth the investment! Plus, it's a perfect fit for my existing audience (win win!).

The actual affiliate program itself is so well organized that it's very easy to be a part of. Everything is prepared so far in advance, you're given so much swipe copy and a very clear calendar when everything should go out.

A big reason I love it is because Paige encourages you to send people to her Free Bootcamp first. So from a promotional standpoint, it's easy (people love free things!). Once they're in the bootcamp, Paige works her magic and gets great conversion rates, and all those sales from people you referred for free are credited to you!


Hey, I’m Paige!

Paige Brunton

If we haven’t officially met or connected online, I’m Paige Brunton. A Squarespace trained & approved instructor and the original Squarespace online educator and course creator.

When I was still doing client work, I was earning $10K months. I always completed projects on time, and had a perfect 5-star record of client reviews. I SEO’d my way to the top and have since built a million-dollar business by age 30.

I share all of this simply to express the fact that everything I teach is from firsthand experience. I’m not sharing a few theories or concepts that might prove to be effective, but ARE effective. They’re proven and out on the table for your audience to create a thriving business of their own. 

Since launching Square Secrets™ back in 2018 I’ve had countless successful launches, widening that to affiliate launches in 2022. Not only do I love opening the door to web design as a career that brings such freedom & opportunity to so many women, it brings me enormous joy to work with our affiliate team to share launch learnings & support you to boost your business through being an affiliate (in my trademark say-it-as-it-is, down to earth & accessible way!)


$1.5k day rates│ $14k projects │ $30k months


It’s all possible. Past students have done it. Your audience can too.

“I've built my business from the ground up to support MY lifestyle and MY big-picture dreams.

Square Secrets ™️ and Square Secrets Business™️ were instrumental in making that happen! My web design packages are now starting from from $9,500.”

Marianna Durst | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“Square Secrets Business™️ will give you those tools that you need so you can show up more confidently and feel like you're not so much of an imposter!

And THAT will allow you to grow your business faster, and really chase after those dreams! My web design packages are now starting from from $5,400!!”

Ida Winstead | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“Through a combination of my two-week web design process (the one Paige teaches in Square Secrets Business™️) & offering branding and visual identity as well I reached the $100K mark in my web design business!”

Lucy O’Reilly | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Ayesha Santos | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“At just six months in on my side-hustle I was already matching my full-time job’s income. My web design packages are now starting from $5000-$8000.

After taking the course I realized that it was so much more than just a design course! There was strategy in there - which I didn't realize I needed at the time but now really appreciate! I think as a designer, you need to work on the strategy portion, and learn why things get laid out the way they do, and how you can make your designs more effective while also bringing that aesthetic value.

I’m so grateful I was able to take the courses. It opened up so many opportunities and the possibility that I could do something that I really love, make a buttload of money, AND have so much purpose in my life!”

Kenniqua Jones | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I started out knowing a little bit about Squarespace already and found Square Secrets™️ very useful. So if you're starting from zero, you're definitely going to find it useful because I was already getting some clients with the skills that I already had. And then I feel like if you're going to get into it, you might as well just go the whole way and just get Square Secrets Business™.

That’s what I did. Cause even though I was already booking clients, I'm like, I know there's a better way that I could be doing this and have a clear layout of the marketing, the other marketing techniques I could do having what type of contracts, what type of things should I input.. It’s all laid out.

It dotted my I’s and crossed my T's. Some of the things that Paige shares within the course, they're just not on YouTube.”

Aliyyah Anshan | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I actually started as a virtual assistant. I had already had my first baby and I didn't want to commute back to a big city. And so I thought, how can I make this work? And that’s how I found you! I can't think of any other course that could better prepare you as a designer and then on the business side - the ins and outs and the best practices of how to build yourself a successful website design business.

You will learn something at every point, every module, even in bonuses. I don't even know where to start, but it's just jam packed with things you wouldn't think you needed. You'll just be so happy that you invested in that way in yourself and in your business.

Lindsay DeLong | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I think taking an online course is huge. I learned so much from yours. I’ve taken some other courses before, but I feel like I’ve learned the most from Square Secrets™️ & Square Secrets Business™️.

Someone that’s looking to get into a career where they can be their own boss, where they can easily get to $10,000 a month if they want, […] they can get there by buying an online course! There's days where I'm like, holy crap, I just got paid like $16,000 in a day.”


Square Secrets Business™ affiliate program FAQ

  • We launch with affiliates twice a year, usually in April & October. We'll announce exact dates before the end of the year for the coming year. (Our next launch is 7-29 October 2024).

  • The most important thing for us is that we have a good fit & alignment of values to keep the integrity of the program, followed closely by making sure that taking part would be worth your while (which is why we ask about your email list size & fit for your audience).

  • Nope! Having said that, usually we find a minimum of 1000 makes it more likely that you'll get a good return on investment for your time, however we've had affiliates with smaller list sizes be really successful in the past so we review applications on a case by case basis.

  • Once your application is accepted you'll be invited for a 1:1 strategy call with our affiliate manager who will talk you through the program, how you can best make it work for your audience & make sure you're all set. You'll also be invited to an orientation/ training call about a month before the launch, as well as being equipped with swipe copy for emails, graphics and an in depth affiliate guide. Not to mention that dedicated affiliate manager is always on hand to support throughout!

  • Truthfully, this part is up to you. We find that the biggest time investment is scheduling your emails, and advise setting aside a day or two for this in the month before the launch (our data shows the more emails you send the more leads & sales you'll likely achieve). We equip you with all swipe copy & graphics to make life easier - oh and of course, once you've launched once, you can simply duplicate your old emails, tweak a bit & you're set (meaning the time investment for future launches is usually much less).

  • We pay commission via bank transfer before the 20th day of the month following the month the payment was received. For example if payment from the student was received any time in May, you would receive your affiliate commission payout by 20 June.

  • All affiliates get 1 on 1 access to our wonderful affiliate manager who is an expert in launching & supporting affiliates to be successful (as well as being rather lovely!) Paige will do some of the group training & is available to co-create content with affiliates to use during the launches.

  • Absolutely! We're here to support you in any way you need. Email and we'll get right back to you.

  • USD, although we can pay into a bank account in any currency (currency exchange fees are at the cost of the affiliate, although as we use Wise these tend to be minimal).

  • Absolutely! You're very welcome to join bootcamp, we simply ask that you do not share the fact you're an affiliate, or your affiliate link inside to ensure we're fair to all affiliates.

  • Yep - if you bring in a lead to bootcamp or make a sale, we don't look to see if someone was on our list beforehand, we attribute the sale to you regardless.

  • Email us at if you have questions & we'll be thrilled to get back to you.






Baylee Snead | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“Before taking the course bundle, I felt a little hopeless. I was trying to do all the marketing things and getting absolutely no where. I invested a lot in a business coach, and it was just not a good experience. So I was scared to invest again, but I am so glad I did! So far, my confidence has increased significantly, I also just had my highest income month yet, and most importantly, this course really helped me to improve my client process and experience.

Literally just do it. There is so much knowledge and value in this course. If you want to be a successful website designer and feel confident running a business, this course couldn't be better for you. I would 1000% invest in this course again. I'm so ready to kill future client calls because I feel so much more confident and really have my process down after taking this course.”


Lisa Marie Biegi | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I have not only learned a lot about Squarespace but also how to run my business the right way so it will actually be profitable in the long run. Above all, the course saved me a lot of time and mistakes. You can teach and learn a lot yourself, but it takes ages to find it all out. So now I have a resource I can always fall back on.”


Layne Steege | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“Before taking the Square Secrets™️ & Secrets Business™️ Bundle, I felt overwhelmed on where to begin and lost on a strategy for how to attract clients! Paige taught me how to go where my clients are, show up consistently with valuable content, and then watch them come to me. It's like magic! I get compliments all the time at work for my design work!

(I use WordPress at my day job, but the principles you taught totally gave me the confidence I needed to created beautiful designs on any platform.) My actual Squarespace business is growing by the month. In Q1 I have already made more than what I made all of last year. If you want a design business that you feel confident in, DO IT!!! You won't regret it. Having the tools to come back to at any time has been so amazing. Paige teaches you everything you need to know from top to bottom, you'll be ready to charge a premium for your services!”


Alyssia Constine | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I also just hit my first $9K month and am booked 4-5 months in advance! I’ve gone on some amazing trips since starting my business...I don’t need to tell anyone that I’m taking off. I just plan and do it! I am living the life I have always dreamed of and I thank Paige so much for giving me these tools!"


Sydney Williams | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“Before taking this course, I was charging $3000 for a site, which was taking me about a month to build. I was all on my own, designing solo, finding clients by word of mouth, and doing all of the client communication and booking processes by hand. Now I have set up systems that allow me to automate my marketing strategy, booking and paying processes, and my client communication. I have hired several website designers who work for me so I can focus on brand design and my marketing strategy for my business. We are now bringing in over $30,000 a month consistently, all since I enrolled in this course at the beginning of the year. In less than one year we have grown our monthly revenue 10x. I was truly blown away by the things I learned in this course.”


Christina Gordon | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I had actually done one Squarespace web design prior to taking the course, and charged a ridiculously low amount of money for it because I felt I didn't really know what I was doing. After taking the course, I found my next client and charged five times more! It was still discounted work, but I'm feeling ready to start charging full prices within the next couple of months because now I feel I can really deliver not only a great website, but also a smooth workflow process. This is definitely boosting my confidence and making me feel that I really can have a successful online business.”


Jessica Alonso | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This is one of only TWO online courses that I’ve taken that felt worth maybe double its actual price.

There really is no comparison. Paige has laid out everything you ever wanted to know and things you didn’t even realize you should know in such depth and with such attention to detail that I am still blown away.

“I have already started designing two sites for my portfolio and expect to sign on with some paid clients within the next month or two. I’m starting my prices at $2,000 per site and would definitely not have felt confident enough to do that without the support of this course!”


Katlyn Slocum | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I know for me the price of your course was the most I've ever spent on anything. Now looking back of what I'm charging now, what I'm making, it's like peanuts and it set the foundation for my entire career! Right now I charge between $8,000 and $12,000 a project, and I would like that average to be like $15,000 to $20,000 per project. I don't know where I would have been if I had not found Square Secrets Business™! It taught me how to start a business, how to like set a timeline for projects, communicate with clients, all the things that I needed to get my business up and running! And I can really like just be home with my kids and leave my work hours for my work hours. So I would say a hundred percent, go for it and you will not regret it.”


Nadine Charleson | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I just knew that investing in the course was worth it in terms of my sanity and time of getting running, and it did in literally within two months, I had made back all my money. I do a VIP design day on a Saturday. It's all day and that's it! I book two of those a month and I'm happy! The financial freedom to do the things I love to do without having to worry about the money has been life changing!”


Carly Kerndt | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I stumbled across Square Secrets™️ & Square Secrets Business™️ and loved it. I implemented that for the next website design client that I had and it sort of just took off from there.

I took your course at the beginning of 2021 and it's been going great ever since. I now run an agency, so it's me, and then I'm sending out an offer letter for my seventh hire today!

And we're charging roughly $3,500 for a six-page website.”


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