Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton

How Ayesha used Instagram to hit her first $10K month as a web designer

Have you ever looked around at other website designers who are super-successful and thought…

“In order to build a successful business, I need to do exactly what they're doing?”

Well, that is how past Square Secrets™️ and Square Secrets Business™️ student Ayesha Santos felt! She is sharing how she discovered a strategy she actually enjoys, and that is sustainable for her in the long term. Plus, how she used that strategy to hit her first $10K month as a web designer!

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Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton

Booking out your web design business months in advance with Mariana Durst

I'm interviewing past Square Secrets & Square Secrets Business student and successful Squarespace web designer Mariana Durst about how she was able to quickly grow her web design business, consistently land her dream web design clients months in advance, build her web design portfolio, choose a web design niche, create her start to finish web design client process, and charge premium prices for her web design services!

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