Web Designer Paige Brunton Web Designer Paige Brunton

How Michelle productized her web design services for more passive income

Wondering how you can work less and earn more with your web design services? In this interview, past Square Secrets™️ & Square Secrets Business™️ student Michelle is sharing how she launched a new productized service for more freedom and much more passive income, and how she tailored her business to better support her life (in a way her web design clients LOVE).

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Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton

I doubled the prices of my services. Here's what happened next.

Back in July I doubled the price of my web design services from $2,500 - $5,000. 

😯 Bold move, I know.

I proceeded to get asked a LOT of questions about how I mustered up the courage to do it, and what happened after. The most common question I received was, did doubling the prices tank the number of inquiries and bookings I was getting?

I'm sharing all the details here and answering those questions!

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Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton

6 unexpected ways to find inspiration as a web designer

Feeling stuck in a creative rut in your web design business? Like you’re out of original ideas, and every single design you create is starting to look and feel exactly like the next? It’s time to dust of that creative thinking cap and check out some of these unexpected sources for inspiration your next custom client design!

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Web Designer, Course Creation Paige Brunton Web Designer, Course Creation Paige Brunton

6 changes that took my web design business from hot mess to success

Hot mess would be a good term to describe my first attempt at going full time with my web designer business. It took all of two weeks for me to quit and go crawling back to my 9-5. So what did I do differently the second time around? I’m sharing those 6 changes that took me from embarrassing hot mess to “I love my life” success as a freelance web designer!

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Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton

Unrelated degree? Start your freelance web designer business anyway!

Ready for some honesty?

I am a website designer with an undergraduate and Master's degree, however they're both completely unrelated to what I do in my business now. Still, I have found that there is more than enough space to be successful and fill a need in the website design space.

The same goes for you. A degree in the field of your passion project is not completely necessary. It's all about carving out your area of the field and providing something in a way others cannot.

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