Squarespace Paige Brunton Squarespace Paige Brunton

How to start building a website in Squarespace version 7.1 -Updated for 2023

Feeling overwhelmed by all the tech it takes to get your business up and running online? If you’re ready to cross the massive to-do of building a site off your list then you are in the right place! By the end of this tutorial, updated for 2023, you will have a solid grasp of how to get started with the latest version of Squarespace, so you can confidently build and maintain your own site without having to pay a pro designer to get the job done!

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Online Business Paige Brunton Online Business Paige Brunton

I became a morning person for 30 days

All my life I’ve been a night owl. I never had to go into an office. I never had anyone to report to. I had the dream job with all the freedom, and my sleep schedule was a mess - so I decided to wake up at 6am for 30 days and become a morning person - here’s what I learnt!

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Web Designer Paige Brunton Web Designer Paige Brunton

7 trendy website section designs to copy

No matter if you're building a site for yourself or this is your 50th site for a client, coming up with new ideas can be a challenge. So in today's video I'm going to share with you 7 website layouts which are totally on trend, so you're site will be the talk of the town.

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Web Designer Paige Brunton Web Designer Paige Brunton

$1.2k/day web design side hustle - actor, Nadine's story

Have you dreamt of having a super profitable side hustle, which would allow you to significantly increase your take home? All while still working your day job? Well, that is exactly what my past student, actor, Nadine, of Center Stage Design did when she started her web design side hustle. Here's everything you need to know!

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Web Designer, Online Business Paige Brunton Web Designer, Online Business Paige Brunton

Secrets of a Six Figure Webdesigner - Emily tells all

How Square Secrets Business™️ alumni Emily made DOUBLE her corporate salary and surpassed 6 figures in just her 2nd year as a freelance web designer! If you have dreams to be a digital nomad and make 6 figures, or even if you have no interest in travel at all but you're just after a creative job you love while making 6 figures, watch all the way until the end as Emily explains how she went from no web design experience, to my course, to her 6 figure digital nomad dream!

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