Paige Brunton

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How to choose a Squarespace Template 2023 (7.1 Fluid Engine)

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Not sure which Squarespace* template is right for you šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø?

Have you heard that picking the wrong template could limit you down the road?

Not to worry - I gotcha friend!

At this point I have helped literally thousands of people to build their websites on Squarespace, and today Iā€™ve packaged up those tips into a beautiful bitesize morsel just for you!

Now in order for you to understand how to correctly pick a Squarespace template, it's important that you understand how other people are choosing templates and how they're all doing it wrong.

First things first! Head to* and then up here you are going to select templates *thatā€™s an affiliate link & gets you 10% off! My margarita fund thanks you in advance!

So what most people do when they come to this page is they use the prompts at the top, which is technically logical, and they think ā€¦

OKā€¦ I got this!

I'm a local businessā€¦

I'm a floristā€¦šŸ’

let me see which site would be appropriateā€¦

Oh, here we have fresh flowers for any budget - perfection!

And so they preview this one, get started annndddd

All the other Florists in their town have done the exact same thingā€¦

And the problem with that is thisā€¦

All of the florists have gone in and swapped in their own photos or changed the text to be their text, but they leave everything like demo. They're not really getting creative with the layout or the design or anything like that.

And so once their site is finished, their website looks creepily similar to the other Florists in their area.

And that's really not what you want!

So my encouragement for you is thisā€¦

Do not pick your Squarespace Template based off the example demo content.

If it fits what your business is, that's almost a reason to not use it because that's probably what all your competitors are doing.

Pstā€¦ Before we go any further, make sure to lock in the free training below - itā€™s gonna come in super handy as you start to build your site! šŸ‘‡

See this gallery in the original post

Instead, friend, what I do want you to do is choose your Squarespace template based on style!

Go back to all templates, and then as you scroll through, what I want you to look for is

the vibe and the style that you're going for.

The reason for this isā€¦

when it comes to creating your website if you choose it based on style you are going to save yourself SO MUCH TIME!

Why? šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø

Because what's already been set here for you is the font styles, the colors, the spacing of things etc etc. So you donā€™t need to go in and change any (or much) of that.

And you avoid choosing by niche, and therefore looking like everyone else who has a similar business to yours!

Create sections from scratch on your website

My next tip for you is to avoid simply copying and pasting in your images and text, like, okay, well they have a photo here and they have texts here, so I'm just gonna swap in my own stuffā€¦


OK, I know itā€™ll take a little longer, butā€¦ once again youā€™re going to avoid your website looking exactly like the template because you just used the template layout.

Itā€™s actually super simple!

āž”ļø Create a new section by clicking on edit,

āž”ļø click on add a section

āž”ļø and add a blank section.

And then use that blank section and to add your content into.

Voila! (as they say in France!)

This is a great industry tip for ya,

If you ever work with a web designer or when web designers work with clients, they are creating a website from the content, not trying to squish the content into a certain template. And creating blank sections is exactly how you can do this!

But Paige, what if I donā€™t like the fonts, or change my mind on the color palette of my template?

Donā€™t worry - thatā€™s pretty easy to fix too!

Go to design, and site styles, and then in there you have the option to change a bajillion thingsā€¦

You can change the colors, you can change the fonts, you can change all the bits and pieces you can imagine really! Go wild šŸ’ƒ!

So in summaryā€¦

One reason to pick the template based off the styles and not the demo content is that other people aren't gonna be thinking to do this, therefore your website's not gonna look like everyone else's in your industry, in your local area.

You stand out = you get more sales šŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µ !

and the second reason is because it just takes you way less time to actually fiddle around with all the site styles and settings.

So if you really love the vibe and the look of the style of the template you choose then it means that you're gonna spend less time changing things -Winner !!

See this gallery in the original post

The other thing which I want you to understand is that you could technically take one template and make it a hundred percent šŸ’Æ into another template.

What I mean by that is there are no certain features or functionality which are only available in one template, which aren't available in another one (this was the case in Squarespace 7.0, but no more in 7.1!

If I literally took all of the content from the Soria template - all the site styles, the colors, the everything. I could then recreate the exact Soria template on the Clune template, for example!

So you are not limited on features or functionality or layout or anything based off the template!

So truly, once you choose the template, you have complete freedom with what it's going to end up looking like!

Now you know how to pick the right template. There's still one rather large task in front of youā€¦

and that is learning how to actually use Squarespace and build your website on the platform.

Lucky for you. I put together a Squarespace crash course video.

Watch this video next šŸ‘‡, and you'll be navigating around the Squarespace editor as if you've done it for years.

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