$69.00 $34.50!
(Yes, really it’s 50% off!)
No more “Will this be my last client?” or “How long will my savings last?”
Take down your UpWork profile (where the pay is peanuts anyways)…
Stop beating yourself up for your “lack of marketing abilities” and…
DON’T accept that project from an agency where you do all the work but only get paid a tiny fraction of the project price!
With a proper client-finding strategy in place, you can kick your income worries to the curb!
You will start filling your calendar with clients you actually want to work with (“Professionally shot photos?! Hallellujah!”) and finally have some financial peace of mind knowing you have clients booked months in advance.
Yep, it’s not just internet baloney, web designers really do book themselves MONTHS in advance with clients who are willing to wait so they can work with their dream designer, and who are willing to pay premium prices to boot!
So how do we get you from the lost & frustrated point you’re at now to the booked out & confident place you want to be?
The answer is in my 46 page Web Designer Client Finding Guide
Inside you’ll find:
The #1 secret of booked-out designers + picking the right marketing strategy for you
Swipe my ready-to-be-implemented marketing plans
Learn to make it easy to begin working with you (& how to stop inquiries ghosting!)
Everything you need to know about landing the sale
Why 90% of sales is the follow up
Done-for-you follow up scripts
Plus 3 genius hacks for landing the sale in record time!
Bonus: How to get the referral train of ideal clients rolling with next to NO effort
If we haven’t officially met or connected online, I’m Paige Brunton. A Squarespace Authorized Trainer and the original Squarespace online educator and course creator.
In my client work days I was earning $10k months, my calendar was consistently booked out months in advance, ideal clients were lined up around the block, begging me to squeeze their project in, and I always completed projects on time. I even racked up a perfect 5-star record of client reviews, SEO’d my way to the top and have since built a million dollar business with a team of 5 by age 30.
I share all of this simply to express the fact that everything I teach is from firsthand experience.
I’m not sharing a few theories or concepts that might prove to be effective, but ARE effective. They’re proven and out on the table for you to create a thriving business of your own.
I’ve since gone on to share my strategies with thousands of others.
People like Lucy from Ireland who generated $100k in revenue in her first year full-time as a designer with the marketing strategies I taught, to Sydney from LA who started having so many client inquiries she turned her one-person web designer job into an agency bringing in $30,000/month, or Layne who earned her previous 9-5’s income for a year in just her first 3 months as a full-time web designer.
Then there’s people like Charlotte who opened her web design business and booked it out 6 months in advance from the get go and then 6 months after that, she had already booked clients out for an entire YEAR!
Normally I’ve only shared all my client-finding strategies with 4,000 + students of my $2,000+ courses, but today I want to share them with you too at a price even the bootstrapping web designer can afford.