Online Business, Content Creation Paige Brunton Online Business, Content Creation Paige Brunton

You will only master consistent blogging after doing these 2 things

I consistently blogged for 1 year, wahoo! I posted twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays without fail for 1 year straight, definitely something I'm proud of from this past year.

I was paid back handsomely with a massive uptick in traffic which I 100% dedicate to my consistency. (You can peek at the exact traffic numbers 1 year of consistent blogging earned me over in this post.)

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Online Business Paige Brunton Online Business Paige Brunton

Business Anniversary 2017: What I made, what worked, what didn’t

Well, it's been 1 year since I went full time with my business.

Good news, I didn't go bankrupt and didn't the world didn't end. 😂

This time last year when debating going full time, I legitimately felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff, about to leap into the unknown, no parachute attached. During my time deciding, I had this feeling inside my lungs like I had just taken a giant breath in and there was no more air to come.

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Squarespace Paige Brunton Squarespace Paige Brunton

Website building terms in plain English you can actually understand

I get it, building a website for the first time can be a little intimidating. Yeah, you know how to use one as a visitor, but building one? It's a whole other ball game.

When building a website there's a whole host of new terms you'll need to understand before you can get to the actual building.

Here's the important terms you'll want to understand, with a clear explanation even your great Aunt Helga can understand.

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