Online Business Paige Brunton Online Business Paige Brunton

Business Anniversary 2022: Year in Review

I have done a year interview post every year in my business, except for in 2021. Why? Well, because honestly, I did not have the best year! Happily 2022 has been a million times better - including that time we made $200K in AN HOUR! Here’s (almost!) everything that happened this year!

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Squarespace, Web Designer Paige Brunton Squarespace, Web Designer Paige Brunton

Squarespace basics: How to set up your e-commerce online shop (updated 2023)

In this easy-to-follow Squarespace Ecommerce Beginner's Tutorial, I'll be sharing all the steps you need to know to get your Squarespace (7.1) online store up and running (using the new Fluid Engine editor) and launched to the world! You'll learn my best tips and tricks for learning how to build an online store on Squarespace 7.1, as well as some e-commerce best practices to know!

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