Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton

2 ways to surprise and delight your web design client that won't cost you a lot of time by Jenn Nash

Hey designer! Looking for ways to surprise and delight your client (ahem…earn more referrals) without having adding much extra timeline to your project timeline? Guest blogger and past student Jenn Nash is sharing her favorite tip for quickly and easily blowing her web design clients away on launch day!

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Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton

How to make your website introvert-friendly by Kelly Barr

Hey web designers! There’s a super dreamy client waiting in the wings you might currently be overlooking! (One with equally dreamy projects and budgets!) Who are they? The introvert client! Here’s how to make sure your site is set up to convert both the extroverts AND the introverts in your audience with guest blogger and past student Kelly Barr!

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