Squarespace Paige Brunton Squarespace Paige Brunton

Squarespace CSS: how to target specific pages, sections, or blocks on your site

Wondering how to target specific pages, sections, blocks, or elements of your Squarespace site? I’m sharing how to find and use the unique name of each Squarespace page, section, or block so you can narrow down how your custom CSS will be applied to your site! Plus, the basic anatomy of CSS so you know where to put the name of the thing you are targeting!

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Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton

Web designers speak out: What I wish I knew about pricing & packaging my services

Welcome to the “What I wish I knew” Web Designer Roundup series where successful designers will be sharing their best tips, tricks and advice for running your web design biz. In this first post, we are tackling the #1 question I get from Square Secrets Business Course Students: “How do I set my prices and build my web design packages?”

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Online Business Paige Brunton Online Business Paige Brunton

The top 3 lead magnets I used to quickly grow my email list for free

So you want to build your list, but you need to do it on the cheap (read: for free). Wondering which lead magnets will work best to grow your email list? Take a peek behind the scenes at my best converting freebies and opt-in gifts that have subscribers lining up around the block. (Plus my best tips for creating and marketing your lead magnet!)

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