Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton

How Long Does It Take To Learn To Become A Web Designer? (And Get Paying Clients!)

Thinking of becoming a freelance web designer but not sure how long it will take you to learn the skill of web design? Or how long until you can expect to web design clients and be paid for your web design services? I'm sharing exactly how long it took me (plus hundreds of other designers I asked) to start earning money online as a web designer.

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Online Business, Digital Nomad Paige Brunton Online Business, Digital Nomad Paige Brunton

Productivity hacks: How I do it as multi 6-figure business owner

Want to know my TOP productivity hacks? Some of these are online business productivity hacks I use to run my multi 6 figure online business, some are life productivity hacks I use to make the most of the time I'm not working! If you feel like you could use more hours in the day to get it all done, these simple hacks will change your life!

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Online Business, Squarespace, Web Designer Paige Brunton Online Business, Squarespace, Web Designer Paige Brunton

Site builder comparison: Which platform should I learn to become a web designer?

Which platform should you use to build a website for yourself or for your clients? In this video I go over the four most popular website builders: Sqaurespace, Showit, Wordpress and Shopify and explain the pros and cons for each of them in terms of learning curve, design capabilities, SEO and coding knowledge. I also share previews of each website builder so you can make the most informed decision.

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