Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton

How Long Does It Take To Learn To Become A Web Designer? (And Get Paying Clients!)

Thinking of becoming a freelance web designer but not sure how long it will take you to learn the skill of web design? Or how long until you can expect to web design clients and be paid for your web design services? I'm sharing exactly how long it took me (plus hundreds of other designers I asked) to start earning money online as a web designer.

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Web Designer Paige Brunton Web Designer Paige Brunton

7 trendy website section designs to copy

No matter if you're building a site for yourself or this is your 50th site for a client, coming up with new ideas can be a challenge. So in today's video I'm going to share with you 7 website layouts which are totally on trend, so you're site will be the talk of the town.

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