How to get faster at creating content

Feel like it takes you forever to create content for your audience? Hours to build a blog post, draft a video script, or write your next podcast episode? Or even something as simple as coming up with a caption? If time is one of your biggest obstacles holding you back from creating content consistently in your business, then this post is for you!

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Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton Online Business, Web Designer Paige Brunton

5 ways to increase your confidence as a web designer

Do you ever find yourself doubting your abilities as a web designer? Maybe you secretly dread consultation calls in case the client asks for something you don’t know how to do, or maybe looking at the competition has you feeling left behind, and less-than-enough. If you’re currently struggling with your confidence as a designer, then this video/post is for you!

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Online Business Paige Brunton Online Business Paige Brunton

How I made the switch from services to products

I went from 1:1 web designer building one-off custom websites for clients to serving thousands of people through my online courses for Squarespace web designers. Dreaming of creating passive income in your own business? Here are three steps I took before I made from the switch from services to digital products!

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