Necker Island Room Tour | BTS on Richard Branson's Private Island
What happens on NECKER?! If you've ever heard of Necker Island you'll know it's Richard Branson's private Caribbean spot & guess who went there for a week this year?! Yep - it's me! Here's a full BTS of my room inc a surprise in the Bathroom!!
How Carly quickly went from new designer to successful agency owner
I love hearing the unique stories that come out of my Square Secrets™️ & Square Secrets Business™️ courses! And this past student and talented web designer's incredible success is nothing short of INSANE. Tune in to hear how Carly went from laid off and struggling, to starting a brand new career as a web designer. PLUS, how she landed so many clients she actually had to start an agency, taking her business from soloprenuer to 7 hires in less than 2 year's time.
$30K month!? | PROFITABLE & PRODUCTIVE web designer bootcamp [100% free. Valuable AF.]
Thinking of joining me for my FREE PROFITABLE & PRODUCTIVE WEB DESIGNER BOOTCAMP? I'll be hosting 3 jam-packed days of educational trainings & Q+A sessions WITH DESIGNERS WHO HAVE SUCCESSFULLY BUILT BOOKED-OUT BUSINESSES, plus I'll be giving away the “Ultimate Web Designer Starter Kit” (total value of $995!!!) to one lucky bootcamper!
How Aliyyah earns $10K per project as a SAHM web designer
If you are struggling to grow your web design business while also balancing the responsibilities of momhood, tune in for the life changing story and encouragement Aliyyah, past Square Secrets Business student has to share!
Designers Only Need These 6 Fonts. Trash the Rest.
Wondering how to streamline your web design process? Stop spending hours sweating over fonts and quickly and easily select the font pairings of your clients dreams! I'm sharing my top 6 go-to fonts for every design project and my visual side-by-side font comparison guide to all the free fonts available in Squarespace and Canva (meaning no more falling in love with a font your client can't use!)