Million Dollar Website Template Shop Plan from Erica Hartwick
What makes a best-selling website template? How do you decide from all the ideas which template idea to create? Do you go niche in the template idea? What kind of demo content is best to make the template sell? Enjoy this interview with Erica Hartwick, the founder of the ever-popular Squarespace template shop Big Cat Creative.
$30/hr VA to $6k projects as a Webdesigner - Kenniqua’s story!
Currently, a VA feeling frustrated by the cap on your income? Realizing that you're either going to need to work around the clock or start settling for an income level that you're not fully satisfied with? Today I'm sharing Kenniqua's story - how she went from $30/ hours as a VA to charging $6k projects & growing a youtube channel of almost 10,000!
$10/hr on Upwork to $100k years as a web designer - Emily’s story!
Emily started off like a lot of new web designers on Upwork, but she's come a long way since, so if you're looking to see how to transition from Upwork into landing your own clients and commanding significantly higher prices, then enjoy this incredible interview with my wonderful past student Emily.