Flying Business Class…Worth It?

Flying Business Class British Airways Paige Brunton Review

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Today, we’re doing something different… I’m bringing you along with me for a business-class flight review!

British Airways Business Class Paige Brunton Review

I recently spent 8.5 hours on a British Airlines flight from London to Antigua.

Flying business class is ALWAYS very special…but this time it was EXTRA special because I was headed to Necker Island with a business group.

British Airways Business Class Paige Brunton Review

That also meant a significant portion of business class was taken over by our group.

So it was basically a fun slumber partY in the air. 🥂💃

For the purposes of this review, I'll be a very strict reviewer (but of course, i’m always thrilled & grateful to fly business class).

full disclosure: I love how Kara and Nate have devised a 100-point reviewing system for flights and will be using this same system for my review. Kara & Nate, if you’re reading this…I hope you don’t mind! 😇

But first, make sure youre subscribed so that you’re the first to know when my blog post about necker island goes online! 👀

Okay, let’s jump into the review!

Each category will receive a rating out of 10 points and then at the end we will add them up to see where the flight ranks our of 100.


The check-in was pretty standard. There was a separate line for business class and it was well organized. Nothing special here. 🤷‍♀️


The airport lounge was lovely!

It wasn’t very busy when I was there (but maybe just becausethat was early in the morning).

There was plenty of seating available and in general it was very quiet.

There was a great selection of food and drinks.

The lounge bathrooms were also nice and clean.

⭐️ BONUS: there were a lot of outlets!


British Airways Business Class Seats

Okay so for this one, the rating REALLY depends on whether you’re traveling with someone you know or not.

Overall, I loved the comfort and space of the seats!


  • There is not much storage space for personal items next to the seats. In general there was a lack of space to store things: there is only this small compartment near the feet which is tricky to get to if you have your feet up. So when I was seated, there was nowhere to really put my phone, water bottle, book etc.

  • The seat felt a tiny bit old - it was a little on the rickety side. 

  • Potential for awkwardness if you don’t know your neighbor.

Okay let me explain this last one a little….so I was sitting in the middle row.

The middle seat set-up is ideal if you’re traveling with someone you know - you have a pretty cozy private space. 

On the other hand, It might be a bit awkward if you were next to a stranger because the divider between the seats only pulls out a little bit. 

Thankfully my seat neighbor was lovely (she was a friend of mine who was also headed to Necker Island) but if you happen to be unlucky with your neighbor, there is not much to separate yourself from them.

One positive thing is that they give your your bedding in a closed case, and so therefore, (because there's not that much storage) you can put it on the floor. If the bedding did not have a case, I wouldn’t want to put it directly on the floor because it might get dirty. So this is very practical.


THE BED 8/10

Okay, I have to say when the seat reclined into a bed, it was EXTREMELY comfortable.

It has this absolutely genius solution with the footstool that created plenty of leg room so that you can really stretch out.

British Airways Business Class Review Paige Brunton

If you’re flying with someone you know, you basically get a giant communal bed in the middle seats. If you do not know them… it might feel a little bit like you are sleeping with a stranger (up to you if you like that! 🤷‍♀️ )

Overall, I could not have asked for a more comfortable seat to sleep in so this category earns a well-deserved 8 out of 10!

Important note: In my seat i didn’t have to walk over anyone to get to the isle. But if you were sitting on the side row (window) or the middle seats in rows 1-3 (at the very front of the plane), then you would actually have to climb over someone’s legs in order to get out.

So basically, the back row or the middle seats are best for not disturbing neighbors when you have to get up to go to the bathroom, etc. 


The amenity gift was from the White Company which was a lovely British touch!

It had the following goodies inside:

  •  Eye mask

  •  Gentle moisturizer

  •  Luxury lip balm

  •  Lavender peppermint spray

  •  Earplugs

  • White Company Advertisements

  •  Toothpaste

  • Toothbrush

  •  Pen

  • Socks 

British Airways Business Class Amenity Kit

I really liked the bag everything came in. It’s quite cute so might actually use it again.  😍


British Airways Business Class Menu

The beverage selection was fabulous.

I loved that they also had some mocktails on the menu along with the standard alcoholic drinks.

The mocktails definitely helped me to get some of those tropical vacation vibes started 🏝️ while also making sense as something to drink at 10 a.m. 😅


For the meal, I started with a caprese salad with a bun and butter (not wrapped in plastic which I very much appreciated). There was also a side of healthy-looking quinoa salad

For the maincourse I had the baked herb-crusted stream trout with Moroccan couscous.

Then I finished up with a date and caramel cake for dessert.

Psst…to be honest, the lunch was just ok…but keep reading cause the afternoon tea was fabulous!


About 6 hours into the flight, a lovely teatime tablet was delivered. I Loved this. The British doing what they do best.

British Airways Business Class Review Tea Time


British Airways Business Class Review Entertainment

They had an incredible selection of new movies plus tons of British films which I LOVE.

There were also some really good video podcasts like The Diary of a CEO.


Very friendly and accommodating. No complaints here! 😊


It was pretty much just a standard airplane bathroom. There were some white company lotions but nothing too special. Since only the business section was allowed to use it (aka just less people), it was definitely a bit cleaner than the average airplane bathroom. 

The White Company bottles were a lovely British touch!

Okay, drum roll, please….


Now, if you want more business behind the scenes, I just published a vlog of what it's REALLY like launching a course. I also brought you with me for 24 hours of my vacation in the South of France. So do click here to watch that vlog next!


Paige Brunton

Paige Brunton is a Squarespace expert, website designer and online educator. Through her blog and Squarespace courses, Paige has helped over half a million creative entrepreneurs design and build custom Squarespace sites that attract & convert their ideal clients & customers 24/7. She also teaches aspiring designers how to take their new Squarespace skills and turn them into a successful, fully-booked out web design business that supports a life they love!

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