Finding clients

As A New Website Designer

Skip the mad search & the stream of ‘meh’-quality inquiries

Learn the 7 costly mistakes to avoid when finding clients as a new designer


You’re totally confused as to what exactly you should do on a daily basis to attract clients as a new website designer

You know other designers are constantly booked out but you can’t figure out how the heck they’re doing it!

An inquiry comes in, you get excited, and then poof, they’ve ghosted on you and you’re left wondering WHY?!

Clients are currently few and far between and the ones you do land are far from what you would call ‘ideal’

BOOK OUT YOUR design CALENDAR *without* the burnout

Here’s what you’ll learn

1.What most designers do that leaves them on a hamster wheel, constantly & desperately searching for clients

2.The marketing strategies to avoid that will kill your passion and motivation for your business

3. What really happens when you niche down

4. The #1 mistake that’ll keep you small and struggling

PLUS! The keys to increase your inquiry > paying client conversion

(and finally put an end to clients ghosting on you!)

No more playing hide-and-seek to find legit paying clients

Learn the strategies successful designers use to get their dream clients to find them!


A few years ago I was just another newbie Squarespace designer clueless about starting my own business.

How do I find clients? Ones with actual big girl budgets? Where are all those dreamy projects at??

Fast forward a few short months to when…

$10k months quickly became my new norm!

My calendar was consistently booked out months in advance…

Ideal clients were lined up around the block, begging me to squeeze their project in…

✓ I was racking up a perfect record of 5 star client reviews…

And now I'd love to help you to do the same! 

My hair might be big, but it's not full of secrets! I'm sharing all my secrets in Finding Clients As A New Designer.