025 At 27 Freya Rose became a world-traveling web designer & made $62,000

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About Today’s Guest

I am so pleased to have one of my past students on the podcast!

Freya Rose is a very skilled Squarespace website designer, and she recently just wrapped up her first year of being full time in her business, and as the title implies, she generated $62,000! (Not bad for a first year, right?)

She works only with her ideal clients, and these days she is 100% booked out six months in advance.

This gal is only in her twenties, but she’s already killing it as her own boss, traveling the world, and arranging her day and life the way that fits her best!

In this episode, we’re talking how she got started, how my course Square Secrets found it’s way into her life, how she gets clients, what her life as a self-employed girl boss looks like, and allll things income and finances when you work for yourself!

A Few Highlights

  • What life was like before becoming a Squarespace website designer. (2:58)

  • Freya Rose’s first experience building a website (Spoiler Alert: it wasn’t on Squarespace). (4:48)

  • Making the most of terrible circumstances: How being bed-ridden led to starting her business. (6:32)

  • Freya Rose talks falling in love with web design, finding paigebrunton.com, and quitting her job. (7:50)

  • From web designer to digital nomad: Freya Rose’s fav travel destinations. (14:00)

  • “Who am I to think I can do this?” Imposter syndrome, and other fears she faced when starting her web design business. (15:58)

  • Should you work for free when first getting started and building your portfolio as a web designer? (17:38)

  • Why it took 40 inquiry calls to find her first client. Plus, referrals - and a handful of other helpful things no one tells you about starting a web design business. (18:45)

  • The two-week website process: all the ways it benefits you and your client (and how it can set you apart in a saturated market.) (25:07)

  • Square Secrets Business: a customizable web design business in a box. (And why you don’t need to reinvent the wheel when starting your business!) (26:40)

  • “I want to start a website design business but I don’t know how to code…” How outsourcing has saved countless hours and headache in Freya Rose’s business. (28:24)

  • A day in the life of Freya Rose and what it is like to travel while you work.(30:00)

  • Working with your ideal client and only take the projects you are most passionate about. Plus, everything you need to know to receive dreamy referrals and consistently be booked out months in advanced. (35:23)

  • Income vs. expenses: What to expect as a website designer first starting out. (41:05)

  • What Freya Rose has planned next in her business! (49:45)

My Fave Quote From the Show

“Your uniqueness is what sets you apart from the crowd, and is why your clients will hire you over anyone else. So focus on that.

Follow your gut feeling. If you speak with a client and it's a no…it’s a no! It's okay to say no, and it'll lead you back on the right path.

Look after yourself and be kind. You are your business, so if you don't nourish yourself, you’re not nourishing your business.” - Freya Rose

To tune into the full episode (believe me, you do not want to miss this!) you can head over to iTunes or Spotify!

And, if you'd like to create a life and job similar to what Freya Rose has, then I'd love to have you join Freya Rose’s ranks as a past student of mine!

I have two courses which help you on the way to becoming a Squarespace website designer! If that is your dream, you’ll first want to check out my course Square Secrets.

It's the most comprehensive, in-depth, and popular Squarespace based course out there.

If you want to learn all the hacks and secrets to creating jaw-droppingly fabulous Squarespace sites, and really feel confident designing websites on the platform, then this is the best course for you!

Next, you’ll want to check out Square Secrets Business.

This one was asked for specifically by past grads of my first course, who wanted to learn how to take their amazing web design skills and turn them into a successful, profitable business!

It’s a customizable, successful Squarespace web design business in a box! We cover setting up your packages, prices, and processes (with a heavy focus on getting clients!) I have some of the biggest names in Squarespace website design in the course as guest experts teaching alllll about how they land clients consistently in their business.

We also cover the legal and financial aspects that you need to know in order to run a legit web design.

I would be over-the-moon pleased to have you kill it, just like Freya Rose (and then be able to share your success story to the world as well!)

Hang out with Today’s Guest . . .

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It’s my goal to help as many go-getter girls just like yourself to ditch their 9-5 and get on with living their best life, and as it turns out, the iTunes Gods love reviews just as much as I love frozen margs.

Your review directly helps me to win over the iTunes Gods and get this show in front of more girls just like you!

So thanks in advance for leaving a review, I’m so grateful to you! (Oh and the girl sitting bored to tears at her desk right now currently planning her escape, she’s grateful to you too.)

Paige Brunton

Paige Brunton is a Squarespace expert, website designer and online educator. Through her blog and Squarespace courses, Paige has helped over half a million creative entrepreneurs design and build custom Squarespace sites that attract & convert their ideal clients & customers 24/7. She also teaches aspiring designers how to take their new Squarespace skills and turn them into a successful, fully-booked out web design business that supports a life they love!


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