Web Designer Paige Brunton Web Designer Paige Brunton

How I'd learn web design if I had to start over

Considering a career in web design? YAS friend - it’s the best job in the world! But when I began as a webdesigner back in 2016, I made a tonne of mistakes & would do totally differently if I was doing it all again - here’s what you need to know if you’re learning to be a web designer today!

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Web Designer, Online Business Paige Brunton Web Designer, Online Business Paige Brunton

Secrets of a Six Figure Webdesigner - Emily tells all

How Square Secrets Business™️ alumni Emily made DOUBLE her corporate salary and surpassed 6 figures in just her 2nd year as a freelance web designer! If you have dreams to be a digital nomad and make 6 figures, or even if you have no interest in travel at all but you're just after a creative job you love while making 6 figures, watch all the way until the end as Emily explains how she went from no web design experience, to my course, to her 6 figure digital nomad dream!

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Squarespace, Web Designer Paige Brunton Squarespace, Web Designer Paige Brunton

Squarespace basics: How to set up your e-commerce online shop (updated 2023)

In this easy-to-follow Squarespace Ecommerce Beginner's Tutorial, I'll be sharing all the steps you need to know to get your Squarespace (7.1) online store up and running (using the new Fluid Engine editor) and launched to the world! You'll learn my best tips and tricks for learning how to build an online store on Squarespace 7.1, as well as some e-commerce best practices to know!

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Web Designer, Online Business Paige Brunton Web Designer, Online Business Paige Brunton

How Carly quickly went from new designer to successful agency owner

I love hearing the unique stories that come out of my Square Secrets™️ & Square Secrets Business™️ courses! And this past student and talented web designer's incredible success is nothing short of INSANE. Tune in to hear how Carly went from laid off and struggling, to starting a brand new career as a web designer. PLUS, how she landed so many clients she actually had to start an agency, taking her business from soloprenuer to 7 hires in less than 2 year's time.

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Squarespace, Web Designer Paige Brunton Squarespace, Web Designer Paige Brunton

$30K month!? | PROFITABLE & PRODUCTIVE web designer bootcamp [100% free. Valuable AF.]

Thinking of joining me for my FREE PROFITABLE & PRODUCTIVE WEB DESIGNER BOOTCAMP? I'll be hosting 3 jam-packed days of educational trainings & Q+A sessions WITH DESIGNERS WHO HAVE SUCCESSFULLY BUILT BOOKED-OUT BUSINESSES, plus I'll be giving away the “Ultimate Web Designer Starter Kit” (total value of $995!!!) to one lucky bootcamper!

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Web Designer, Online Business, Squarespace Paige Brunton Web Designer, Online Business, Squarespace Paige Brunton

Designers Only Need These 6 Fonts. Trash the Rest.

Wondering how to streamline your web design process? Stop spending hours sweating over fonts and quickly and easily select the font pairings of your clients dreams! I'm sharing my top 6 go-to fonts for every design project and my visual side-by-side font comparison guide to all the free fonts available in Squarespace and Canva (meaning no more falling in love with a font your client can't use!)

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Web Designer, Online Business Paige Brunton Web Designer, Online Business Paige Brunton

How Lindsay built her freedom-filled, $11.5K per project web design business

In this video, I interview past Square Secrets™️ & Square Secrets Business™️ student Lindsay Delong to learn how she went from having zero web design experience to consistently landing premium design clients, booking herself out MONTHS in advance, charging $11.5K per project...and all while living what still feels to her like a too-good-to-be-true freedom-filled lifestyle! (Plus, the totally unique web design services packages that put her on the map!)

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Online Business, Squarespace, Web Designer Paige Brunton Online Business, Squarespace, Web Designer Paige Brunton

Site builder comparison: Which platform should I learn to become a web designer?

Which platform should you use to build a website for yourself or for your clients? In this video I go over the four most popular website builders: Sqaurespace, Showit, Wordpress and Shopify and explain the pros and cons for each of them in terms of learning curve, design capabilities, SEO and coding knowledge. I also share previews of each website builder so you can make the most informed decision.

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